Bøjning af verbet clothe på engelsk i alle tider
Her er bøjningstabellerne for verbet clothe på engelsk.
Bøjning af verbet clothe i nutid
Present Tense
- I clothe
- you clothe
- he|she|it clothes
- we clothe
- you clothe
- they clothe
Present Continuous
- I am clothing
- you are clothing
- he|she|it is clothing
- we are clothing
- you are clothing
- they are clothing
Present Perfect
- I have clothed
- you have clothed
- he|she|it has clothed
- we have clothed
- you have clothed
- they have clothed
Present Perfect Continuous
- I have been clothing
- you have been clothing
- he|she|it has been clothing
- we have been clothing
- you have been clothing
- they have been clothing
Hvordan bruger man disse bøjningsformer på engelsk? Present udtrykker vane, hyppighed, generel sandhed og tilstand på engelsk. Present Continuous udtrykker hovedsageligt ideen om en handling eller aktivitet, der stadig er i gang. Present Perfect udtrykker begreber, der altid er relateret til nutiden eller konsekvensen af en begivenhed. Endelig forbinder Present Perfect Continuous ideen om aktivitet med ideen om varighed.
Bøjning af verbet clothe i datid
Simple past
- I clothed
- you clothed
- he|she|it clothed
- we clothed
- you clothed
- they clothed
Past continuous
- I was clothing
- you were clothing
- he|she|it was clothing
- we were clothing
- you were clothing
- they were clothing
Past perfect
- I had clothed
- you had clothed
- he|she|it had clothed
- we had clothed
- you had clothed
- they had clothed
Past perfect continuous
- I had been clothing
- you had been clothing
- he|she|it had been clothing
- we had been clothing
- you had been clothing
- they had been clothing
Hvordan bruger man disse bøjningsformer på engelsk? Den enkle fortid udtrykker afsluttede handlinger, der ikke er relateret til nutiden, daterede tidligere handlinger eller vaner. Den bruges meget ofte på engelsk. Past Continuous (Simple Past + ING) bruges derimod til at tale om igangværende handlinger i fortiden eller en fortidig handling, der er i gang, når en anden handling finder sted. Past Perfect bruges til at indikere, at handlingen fandt sted før en anden fortidig handling. Endelig bruges Past Perfect Continuous til at henvise til en kontinuerlig handling i fortiden, der er fortsat indtil en anden fortidig handling.
Bøjning af verbet clothe i futurum
- I will clothe
- you will clothe
- he|she|it will clothe
- we will clothe
- you will clothe
- they will clothe
Future continuous
- I will be clothing
- you will be clothing
- he|she|it will be clothing
- we will be clothing
- you will be clothing
- they will be clothing
Future perfect
- I will have clothed
- you will have clothed
- he|she|it will have clothed
- we will have clothed
- you will have clothed
- they will have clothed
Future perfect continuous
- I will have been clothing
- you will have been clothing
- he|she|it will have been clothing
- we will have been clothing
- you will have been clothing
- they will have been clothing
Hvordan bruger man disse bøjningsformer på engelsk? Future bruges til at tale om faktuelle handlinger i fremtiden. Future Continuous bruges til at tale om ting, der kommer til at ske i fremtiden. Future Perfect er en bøjningsform, der ikke bruges så ofte på engelsk. Denne bøjningsform bruges til at tale om en fremtidig faktuel handling forud for en anden. Endelig bruges Future Perfect Continuous meget sjældent, denne tid bruges til at tale om en fremtidig handling, der er i gang og forud for en anden.
De forskellige former af participium på engelsk, for verbet at clothe.
Imperativ på engelsk for verbet at clothe.
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